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Efficiently marketing to sufferers of rare diseases while preserving patient privacy is not an easy task — but it’s an important one, especially when lives are on the line. Take hereditary angioedema (HAE), for example. Most people have not heard of this condition; only one in 66,000 people has it. Living with HAE is a […]

Commonly abbreviated as DSP, a demand side platform allows digital advertisers to run campaigns across various publishers and media sources. Ads are purchased — and later, optimized — through an automated process. There are many benefits to using a demand side platform. But before we get into those, let’s review the basics of what these […]

Toward the end of every year, I call upon my leadership team to reflect on the year that has passed and the future of our business in the year ahead. Last quarter marked the fifth time I’ve hosted this exercise. Each year, without fail, I find the pace of innovation happening in our “little” – […]

2021 was an exciting year for DeepIntent. To name just a few achievements, we celebrated our fifth anniversary in April, grew our employee headcount from 50 to 180 people across the U.S. and India, and won multiple awards for leadership, product innovation, and even company of the year! While it’s important to celebrate these milestones […]

Connected TV (CTV) is having a moment in the sun, which means advertisers are right there in the shadows. As the COVID-19 pandemic kept millions of people home with nowhere to go but Netflix and Hulu, CTV ads naturally increased as well. CTV ad spend increased 48.6% over 2020, according to eMarketer. As healthcare and […]

Even as advertising technology gets more intelligent, more data-driven, and more automated, achieving ad relevance is no easy task. It can be especially challenging for pharmaceutical companies looking to reach patients who might be in the market for a certain drug or treatment. When it comes to pharmaceutical ads, personalizing the connection with patients and […]

With little to do and nowhere to go, millions of people spent the majority of 2020 on the couch, toggling between Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, and once Netflix lost The Office, Peacock. When consumers embrace a channel, advertisers are sure to follow. From 2020 to 2021, Connected TV (CTV) ad spending grew 48%, one of the […]

2020 was a landmark year for digital health companies. Investment topped $14 billion, a short-lived record; digital health funding totaled $15 billion during the first half of this year alone. Health data and analytics represented a large part of that increase, which tells me that the broader health industry understands and is now embracing the […]

We have officially announced the launch of our newest innovation, Audience Marketplace, the first and only health data ecosystem featuring ready-to-activate and custom audience segments curated by leading digital health data providers and publishers — and it’s cookieless by design. We pride ourselves on our deep partnerships with the world’s most advanced, data-driven healthcare advertisers. […]

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