My Career Journey at DeepIntent: Emma Sachs Arturi

“My Career Journey” is an interview series where we showcase the phenomenal talent at DeepIntent, offering insight into the paths that led them to their current role, as well as the ways they’re making an impact at the company.

As Director of Talent Acquisition, I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Emma Sachs Arturi, Product Operations Manager, to discuss the path that brought her to DeepIntent, what she enjoys most about her role, and her advice for pursuing a career in product operations.


Emma Arturi headshot


What initially brought you to DeepIntent?
Prior to joining DeepIntent, I was working for a user-generated content site, dipping my toe into the advertising world. The more I learned about DSPs and the ad tech lifecycle, the more interested I became, which led me to join DeepIntent. Having never worked in healthcare or pharma, it was an adjustment, yet very appealing, and brought a whole new adventure to something I had limited familiarity with.

What are you most passionate about in your day-to-day work?
As Product Operations Manager, my role expands across the business, pushing forward our most strategic initiatives — PublisherRX, as well as go-to-market strategies for new and existing products. My team is at the center to make sure everything happens and is executed on: pushing timelines and goals, aligning teams, and handling all communication. Because of where my role sits, I am able to work with different teams and many leaders across the business. I am passionate about the fact that I can make it all work and happen.

As you’ve grown in your career at DeepIntent, what have been your keys to success?
One of my main keys to success is taking on opportunities as they come. Being in the role that I’m in, there are very few guardrails to what I can and can’t take on, which has allowed me to work on initiatives across the board; spanning across product, marketing, and external partnerships. Interacting with different leaders and working with different teams has allowed me to grow as an individual at DeepIntent.

What is one piece of advice you would offer to someone looking to kickstart a career in product, operations, and/or ad tech?
One piece of advice I would offer is to be okay with every day looking a little different as priorities are constantly shifting. On the product operations side, a person who tends to do well in a role like this is someone who is extremely organized and has a clear vision. In the ad tech/pharma/startup space, every day looks different, which keeps things interesting. This has allowed me to grow in my career, learn, and do more due to the ever-changing evolution of the business.

What are some of the paths within product operations people could pursue throughout their career?
Opportunities are endless. Some paths to highlight are project management roles, chief of staff roles, strategic initiatives, and operations roles. Because someone in this type of role has such a wide purview, it’s a great way to come in and figure out where you want to specialize and go down the line because of the expansive opportunities to work on such a wide breadth of work.

Who has been a mentor to you during your career at DeepIntent?
Jen Werther has been a mentor to me. She interviewed me prior to joining DeepIntent. From the first moment we worked together, I knew she would be available and a true mentor. She is a great person for me to learn from and lean on for feedback. She always provides a clear direction around focus and priorities and gives me guidance about where we are going as a business, which enables me to perform better in my role.

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