Finding Ways to Engage HCPs as the COVID-19 Pandemic Persists

PM360 Magazine curated expert opinions on these matters, including those of our very own Chris Paquette, and published them today within it’s latest COVID-19 feature: Finding Ways to Stay Engaged with HCPs During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Chris weighed in on the programmatic opportunity. As online readership increase and more HCPs source information digitally, advertisers have a growing opportunity to address them immediately with informative, programmatic digital ads:

“Since COVID-19 emerged, we’ve seen an increasing number of opportunities to market to HCPs in both professional and non-professional environments. Taking advantage of both endemic and non-endemic (e.g., news, lifestyle) placements is critical to creating a ‘surround sound’ effect that allows for timely and impactful messaging. Programmatic is the perfect tool to do this in a highly precise and efficient way at massive scale.”

Chris Paquette, CEO, DeepIntent

As the article states, marketing success will depend on advertisers taking multi-level, multi-tactical approaches that cater to each HCP’s preferences for how, when, and where to receive information.

As always, personalized and informative messaging will be the most effective way to break through the clutter while delivering value to our heroic HCP audience.

Learn more about our HCP Audience solutions here.

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