3 Things to Know About Our DSP Certification Program

There are two hurdles every healthcare marketer must face when launching a campaign. The first is finding a healthcare-specific demand-side platform (DSP) that addresses the complexities of advertising in the pharma space. The second is knowing how to get the most out of that platform and its capabilities. That’s why we created the DSP certification program at DeepIntent.

The certification program sets marketers up for success by giving them a full understanding of the DeepIntent Healthcare Advertising Platform. The program gives users the base-level skills to activate and optimize an effective campaign using our DSP through a series of learning modules, interactive exercises, and quizzes.

Intrigued? Let’s dive deeper by answering some FAQs.

1. Who can enroll in the program?

The DSP certification program is now available to all traders and agencies already using the DeepIntent Healthcare Advertising Platform.

2. What does the DSP certification program consist of?

In addition to providing an overview of our platform, the program will show you how to:

  • Set up and manage a healthcare campaign.
  • Optimize your campaign toward pharma-specific KPIs (e.g., script performance and audience quality).
  • Take full advantage of the platform’s reporting capabilities.
  • And much more!

3. What are the benefits of being DSP certified?

Earning the certification means you will be credentialed as a specialized trader in DeepIntent’s Healthcare DSP. When you complete the program, you will be awarded an exclusive badge you can share on LinkedIn to alert your network that you are certified in our platform.


Certification Badge


Interested in learning how you can get DSP certified? Contact your account manager today!

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